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Ways to Quiet Your Mind – Using Sound Healing and More

If you want to meditate, you need to find ways to quiet your mind. Our minds are busy constantly buzzing with thoughts. According to experts, our minds process an average of 3,000 thoughts per hour. If machines need downtime to continue running smoothly day in and day out, perhaps our mind does too! After all, our minds are our bio-computer. In many instances, our minds can be the biggest source of our problems, so giving them a chance to recovery is necessary.


Here are a few ways you can start to quiet your mind, even amidst a world buzzing with noise and distractions.


Start By Breathing Deeply


Breathing is a very important aspect of not only our physical health, but it has near-instant impacts on our mental and emotional states as well. Because it is automatic, we mostly just take it for granted. However, it’s the way we breathe that matters.


The way we breathe impacts our whole body. Although we may not be predisposed to breathing deeply, it is actually the correct way to breathe. It is also the fastest way to quiet the mind, release stress, and relax both mind and body.


To see if you breathe deeply, place your hand just above your stomach and take a breath. Can you feel your hand rise? If so, well done! If not, try again. This is much better for you than shallow breathing in the top part of your chest.


Deep breathing has a multitude of other benefits. It reduces inflammation, improves digestion, posture, and blood flow, increases energy levels, and detoxifies the body.


Listen to Music on Your Own


Music – including sound healing – is an effective tool for releasing stress and tension. We all know how listening to music can affect our emotions. Music is a great distraction from listening to our mental chatter.


When turning to music for relaxation, make sure you are alone. Just because you want to relax, doesn’t mean other people around you are wanting to get in the same state of mind. The key is listening to something you enjoy on your own, otherwise, it may end up adding only more tension and feelings of stress.


Try to use sounds that relax you rather than wind you up.


Meditate and Relax


Meditation rapidly quietens the mind by putting you in a state of mindfulness. it is one of the best ways to relax and unload your mental burden. Meditation will not suppress thoughts, but instead, give you the ability to transcend your thoughts and emotions. This allows you to separate passing thoughts and give you a clearer mind and a better perspective.


Exercise and Improve Your Hormones


Our thoughts have a direct impact on our physical bodies. Similarly, physical activities have a direct influence on our brains. Exercise is one great way of releasing stress and lowering cortisol levels. Cortisol is an essential stress hormone, but it is injurious when stress is chronic, and cortisol levels don’t return to normal. A simple 5-minute aerobic exercise will help you feel calmer. Physical activity also releases endorphins, the happy hormones, and naturally improves mood and the ability to sleep better.


Enjoying The Outdoors and Getting In Touch with Nature


Several research findings point to the amazing benefits of nature on the brain. It has been found that our mind relaxes when we are in a ‘green’ environment. It helps quieten the mind when we can hear the sounds of nature. Spending time outdoors has a profound effect on the body. It decreases stress and muscle tension and naturally lowers blood pressure and heart rate.


Do Something Creative or Choose a Relaxing Hobby


Distract yourself from overthinking by engaging in a creative activity you enjoy. Don’t do something that will make you feel more stressed. Doing something creative is a great break for your brain as it allows you to shift focus towards something healthy and positive. Enjoy the creative process, allow your inner child to discover new things, and relieve stress naturally.


Take a Break or Vacation


Everyone needs to take a break, no matter how truly engaged or passionate you are with your day to day life. Taking a vacation recharges your mental energies and allows you to reboot your bio-computer. Better ideas come flowing in when you are physically and mentally energized. Take regular breaks and holidays in order to come back more focused, clear-headed, and better able to take on the world with new dreams and goals!


Hug Someone


A famous person once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.”


Hugging someone is not only an instant pick me up. Research has shown that a daily hug can boost the immune system. When you are stressed or anxious, giving or receiving hugs is a great way to feel better, because hugs naturally release oxytocin, also known as the ‘love hormone.’ Oxytocin stimulates feelings of love, happiness, and overall wellbeing. Hugs can soothe your tired and anxious mind, release stress, and instantly boost your happiness.


What’s the bottom line?  You have many good ways to quiet your mind. For one option, check out this harmonic brain system program and see what it can do for you!


Try them today. Your mind and body will thank you.


Hi! I'm Kris Greenway, the person behind Visualization 101. I've been fascinated by the Law of Attraction for years - and how you actually make it work using visualization, affirmations, meditation, and more to improve your own life. Looking forward to sharing more and more information, tips, quotes, and ideas with you in this journey.

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