Especially these days, people want to use the law of attraction for health and healing. When…
Using Affirmations to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind and Achieve Your Goals

Using affirmations can go a long way toward reprogramming your subconscious mind to achieve your goals.
Affirmations are short, positive statements that you can read, repeat to yourself, or listen to from recordings. With affirmations, you can reprogram your subconscious mind to help you think more positively about yourself and achieve your goals in any area of life. Affirmations are one of the main tools to put the Law of Attraction to work for you.
An example of an affirmation is “I am calm and relaxed.” It doesn’t matter what your current state actually is, you can still achieve this state by repeating and believing the affirmation. Your subconscious mind will pick up on the statement and bring forth the new feelings.
Affirmations Can Change Your Life
When it comes to the world of affirmations, the only requirement is to approach it with an open mind. After that, you simply allow the statements to wash over you and you can change your life all by yourself.
It’s may seem difficult at first, but the key is to get the affirmation into your subconscious mind. This is easiest when you’re just waking up or when you’re drifting off to sleep. These are moments when your conscious mind is less likely to interfere. Try using them if you are starting to meditate or going to sleep at night. Affirmations get your subconscious mind to overcome physical, mental, and/or emotional roadblocks that you may have assumed were impossible to beat.
If you use the “I am calm and relaxed” example without an open mind, of course your conscious mind will say “Hey! I’m not calm and relaxed.” Don’t get frustrated if your conscious mind likes to jump in a lot; eventually the preferred messages will make it to your subconscious mind.
How Affirmations Work
If you pay close attention to how your mind really works, you’d be surprised at how often your mind slips into negativity about yourself and other situations. Using affirmations will allow you to communicate with your subconscious mind and change those thoughts. You can say your affirmations out loud and/or silently in your mind. Repetition and focus are important to make this strategy work for you.
Affirmations have the power to recode your mind in the same manner that a computer program can be written. You actively spend time saying and concentrating on these short positive statements and, eventually, your subconscious mind picks up on them.
It may take some time and practice for affirmations to work for you. Some people report that they see results from their efforts right away, while others find that it takes longer for them to reach the subconscious.
How To Use Affirmations
There are a few ways that you can choose to use your affirmations. First, concentrate on the things in your life that you want to change (your goals – and/or the steps you identified to get there). Try to keep it simple by focusing on one at a time.
Common topics are usually health, wealth and relationships. You might use affirmations such as “I feel energized” or “I enjoy my job.” Write a few different ones that pertain to the same subject. If you chose a specific goal and made a vision board, affirmations are a valuable means to actualize the goal.
Then choose a time to repeat the sayings to yourself every day. You can even make a recording of yourself repeating the affirmations with soothing music in the background. This is especially helpful for using affirmations in the morning and at night when you have a stronger link to your subconscious.
Tips for writing your own affirmations:
- Write them in the present tense, because that’s the only way to improve your life in the present moment.
- Be short and concise to keep things simple.
- Read and write your affirmations when you’re calm and away from distractions.
- Remember to stay positive.
If you just aren’t sure what to do in writing your own affirmations, check out our affirmation resources on this blog and sister site to get started.
Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Make sure you keep up with your affirmations. If you don’t see results right away, try sticking with it for a while longer. Before you know it, you’ll realize that these short simple sentences have improved your outlook, one thought at a time!
And, if you need or want reminders to keep up with your affirmations, consider getting something like a manifestation bracelet to wear all the time. Every time you look at it or touch the stones in the bracelet, strengthen your resolve to re-affirm reaching your goals and fulfilling your intentions.
Summing Up
Using affirmations regularly – that is, daily – you are reinforcing the positive thoughts that are part of manifesting your goals and achieving the success you want for yourself in health, wealth, and relationships. You may also be able to recognize ideas, opportunities, and actions that can help along the way. You will be fixing your own mindset and assumptions day by day.