If you are feeling stuck or lost in your life, developing a self-improvement plan may help.…
Understanding The Law Of Attraction

Let’s take a closer look at just what the Law of Attraction is – and what it means for your life and happiness.
They tell us that our lives should be a richness of abundance, joy and happiness. That sounds great – but how?
We may have a vision of a future where all our most earnest desires turn into our reality. Some people believe that fulfilling our dreams and living a rich and rewarding life is our natural right as human beings. But somehow, we manage to limit ourselves, hold ourselves back and block ourselves by indulging in negativities.
Instead of choosing a life of abundance, we choose a life of struggle. We struggle continuously for protecting what we already have, like riches, respect, relationships and trust— and struggle for achieving what we aspire to. And since we create an unconscious belief that we are destined to live like that, we get trapped into a maze of illusion where our negative beliefs turn into self-fulfilling prophecies. We become disconnected from the source of life and end up doing things we hate to do.
Why our life does not go as we envision? Why most of our wishes linger without coming true? Answers to these questions can be found in a groundbreaking philosophy of a type of practical spirituality called “The Law of Attraction”.
Law of attraction is not a law of physics. It is a spiritual “law.” But it is a way to be in the reality in which we live. And once you learn to use this spiritual law to its full potential, you’ll able to tune in and tap into the universal power of drawing what you want to yourself, and your life will improve and stay that way.
Applying the Gears of Manifestation
Forces of attraction are omnipresent. If you take an atom, which is the fundamental unit of all matters, you’ll see that they can bond together and create molecules. These molecules then attract each other via intermolecular force and create matter. If you dig deeper into the secrets of the atom, you’ll find that within an atom, the electrons constantly revolve around the nucleus in orbits something like the planets revolve around the sun.
The force that makes an electron orbit the nucleus of an atom is the same force that makes planets go around the sun and the same force that makes things fall to earth. You may call it gravity, or you may also call it a force of attraction.
Every type of matter has magnetic properties. That’s why one terrestrial body attracts another terrestrial body like a molecule attracts another molecule.
Like all matter, our minds also possess remarkable “magnetic” or attractive properties. It pulls in things at infinite distance. By analogy, you might say that this is why like-minded people become friends, why a prosperous mindset makes people wealthier and a failure mindset bring on defeat.
The first principle of ‘law of attraction’ is, “Like thoughts attract like incidents”, or briefly, ‘Like attracts like’. That means, whatever you are thinking, you are unconsciously attracting it.
The law of attraction is always in action—whether you’re aware or not, you’re creating your own reality by attracting things that resonate with your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions of the world.
For instance, people who accumulate debts, constantly think, “I don’t want more debt”. They maintain their focus on what they don’t want and attract more of what they don’t want. The undesirable result is that they fall deeper in debt.
So, if our thoughts manifest in this world, that is, become actual things, why many of our visions and dreams fail to attract reality? In order to answer this question, we have to discuss the principle of vibration.
According to this principle, everything in this universe is in constant movement and vibration. And everything that makes up the universe is pure vibratory energy transforming itself from one form to another.
Different types of matter are different because even though they are made up of the same energy, they vibrate at different frequencies. Everything in this universe is energetically connected. In quantum physics, a related phenomenon is termed “quantum entanglement,” in which once two particles have been paired together, observation of one will fix the state of the other, even if they are physically far apart.
Scientists have demonstrated quantum entanglement while studying the properties of very tiny components of matter-energy. Some even have claimed that there is a form of big picture quantum entanglement, e.g, between people and other people or events.
Sometimes people discuss this concept in terms of synchronicity, that is a apparent coincidence of events that seem in your mind to be related to one another but have no observable cause-effect relationship. The leading psychiatrist Dr. Carl Jung first noted these types of meaningful co-occurrences in your life. The events just do not seem to be random.
For instance, they might see something or hear a word repeatedly from different people in a variety of contexts in a short period of time and wonder what it means. To take it into the spiritual world, they might see a certain type of wild animal that is an ancient symbol of some significant meaning or particular behavior or situation. They seem to have attracted that type of energy from the universe.
Like all matters of this universe, people who teach how to use the Law of Attraction say that our thoughts, feelings, and emotions are also a form of energy that generates the cosmic waves that travel through space and time.
Furthermore, when the vibration of our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions matches the vibration of the things or events, they manifest in our life.
However, the human mind is often more attracted to negative over positive things. Subconsciously we tend to focus on the negative aspects of things, and we meet negative consequences.
We aspire to success, but unwittingly we focus on failures. You may have heard the expression that “he snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.”
As we fear failure or defeat, our subconscious mind continuously works on avoiding failure rather than on pursuing success. By thinking about failures, we unwittingly make room for failures, and as a result, failure becomes the reality.
If a negative thought has the potentials to become our reality, a positive thought has the same potentials. In fact, positive thoughts are stronger than negative thoughts.
Therefore, in order to get what you want using the law of attraction, sometimes you have to reverse the magnetic polarity of your mind. You have to modify your vibration and maybe raise your vibration to match the frequency of your object of desire.
The process of manifestation is supposed to be instantaneous. But in most cases, it takes some time on the human scale of time. This happens because of our typically huge pile of doubts, skepticism, and distrust accumulated over a lifetime. And it takes a while for the mind to reprogram itself and transmit the right vibration. Building the positive thoughts and the Law of Attraction into your everyday life can turn things around for you.
To Sum Up
You have all it takes within you to live the life of your dream. Within the Law of Attraction, you only have to believe in your vision, work toward your goal and let the universe do the miracles for you. Along the way, you probably will find certain tools and other concepts helpful to get you and keep you on track.
In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at visualization, vision boards, affirmations, meditation, and much more to help you on your way towards manifesting the love, people, success, money and things that you desire for your life..