Overview In today's fast-paced world, the art of mindfulness meditation has become increasingly important. With a…
Meditation, Brainwaves, and Manifesting Your Dreams: Putting the Law of Attraction to Work

Did you know that meditation is associated with certain brain waves that can help you get on your way to manifesting your dreams? You can be putting the law of attraction to work for you with your mind-body.
Recently, law of attraction followers have begun to focus on the relation between successful manifestation and brain waves. Many people who use the law of attraction believe that it is possible to get aligned with the intention of the soul using the lower frequency (slower) brainwaves, which can be attained through practicing meditation or using brainwave entrainment tools.
Brainwave focused meditation is becoming a popular option for immediate relaxation and a tool for entering a deeper state of consciousness.
We already know that our subconscious thoughts and beliefs are partners in our success— but what most of us don’t know is that the oscillating electrical impulses in our brain also play a key part in our quest for fulfillment. So what are brainwaves and what is their connection to successful manifestation? We’ll learn how to do so as we move along.
Understanding Your Brainwaves
Your brain is an interconnected network of billions of nerve cells (or neurons) communicating with each other. These collectively produce oscillating electrical voltage and generating an overall electric field that specialized physiology equipment can monitor. These specialized cells are responsible for conveying information throughout our body in both chemical and electrical forms. They are like synchronized electrical pulses creating waves that are detectable with standard medical equipment such as electroencephalography (EEG).
Our thoughts and emotions are reflected in this electric field. Different thoughts and emotions trigger different types brainwaves. Some brainwaves can show that you are tired and slow, while others reveal that you are alert and active.
As you can see, our brain is an electrochemical organ, and the brainwave is not a physical thing, it is rather a measurement of electrical activity within our brain. Scientists have identified five main different kinds of brainwaves, ranging from low to high frequency. They work almost like musical notes and each brainwave stands for a particular types of brain activity. It is important to remember though, that brainwaves are not the source of our thoughts or experiences, they are rather the detectable refection of processes occurring within the brain when we think, feel and act.
So, no, watching your brainwaves does not let anyone read your mind or your thoughts. These only reveal an overall state of brain activity that you are experiencing in the moment. And keep in mind that you can set your intention to solve a problem or attain a goal just before you go to sleep at night. Consider this part of a meditation practice to help you apply the law of attraction.
Five Types of Brainwaves and Their Meaning
- Gamma Brainwaves (30-100Hz)
These brainwaves are linked to higher mental activity— they are the fastest measurable brainwaves. Gamma brainwaves are generated when you are learning new information or doing something that requires a lot of concentration and focus.
- Beta Brainwaves (14-40Hz)
When you’re wide-awake and alert, you’re experiencing beta brainwaves. Beta waves dominate your brain when you read, work and socialize. In this state, your neurons fire abundantly as you direct your attention towards cognitive tasks and the outside world. Anxiety can also increase beta wave activity. Curiously, beta activity in the brain can increase during the rapid-eye-movement (REM) or dreaming phase of the sleep cycle.
- Alpha Brainwaves (8-13Hz)
You experience these waves when you’re trying to go into a contemplative or deeper state of mind. When your body and mind enter into a relaxed state and you visualize your future and attract the things you want, you use alpha waves.
- Theta Brainwaves (4-7.5Hz)
These brainwaves occur in our brains during deeper sleep. They also develop in highly experienced meditation practitioners when they get absorbed into deep meditation. Chakra yoga experts associate theta brainwaves with the “third eye”. Our brain also can enter the theta brainwave state when we dream in our sleep.
- Delta Brainwaves (0.5-4Hz)
Delta brainwaves are associated with the deepest stages of sleep. Delta waves are slow in frequency and high in amplitude. This is associated with the state of healing and physical recovery of the body. You want to cycle through deep sleep nightly to maintain your immune system health and cement in memories. It is also the gateway to the realm of the unconscious mind.
Experienced meditators can enter into this realm when they are in a very deep, transcendental meditation. To maintain deeper sleep, keep a daily routine of bed times and even consider wearing an eye mask to block out light from your room.
Training Your Brainwaves
You can train your body and mind to access different brainwave states. Brainwave frequencies are controlled by our by brain’s activity. When you train your mind to enter into a deep meditative state, you will develop the ability to voluntarily control the frequencies of your brainwaves. And, if you can control your brainwaves, you can reprogram your subconscious and unconscious mind to attract the objects of your dreams.
Here is a helpful meditation exercise to attain alpha state and move on to the deeper state of delta.
Prepare your mind for the meditation session. Let’s start with taking a moment to allow the body to settle into a comfortable posture. Keep your back straight while allowing the shoulders to soften. Close your eyes.
As your body continues to relax, notice how calm and gentle your breathing is. Notice the stillness of your body. Allow your mind to release all your tensions as you gradually find a comfortable rhythm for your breathing.
Now become aware of the gentle rise and fall in your chest with inhalation and exhalation.
Keep breathing normally. If thoughts intrude, allow them to pass… and bring your attention back to your breath. There is no need to block or eliminate your thoughts.
As you’re resting your attention on your breath, notice any feeling or emotion that you’re experiencing right now. Just make note of the feeling or emotion…then let go. And return to focusing on your breath.
The activity of your brain has slowed down below 13 cycles per second. You’re feeling very calm now. This is the alpha brainwave state.
Be aware that you can likely find a biofeedback practitioner in your area who has the equipment to monitor your brainwaves and train you to modify the amounts of different frequencies that you experience to achieve a relaxed state. You may also want to look into getting your own home meditation assistant device with brainwave monitor biofeedback. This devices are not cheap, but they may really help you get into a good state of meditation faster.
To Sum Up
Continue to focus on your breathing. Let extra thoughts just pass through your mind and go on their way. Soon your mind may go beyond the movement of ordinary thoughts and expand towards infinity.
In this mind state, you will likely achieve the theta state. In this brainwave state, the mind can become aware of its infinite potentials. As a result, with effective meditation, you’ll unlock a life of no limitations with the brainwave power to manifest your dreams.